
Using Media Gallery Manager

To quickly start up using Media Gallery Manager and get a brief introduction on how to use it as integral part of your workflow watch the video tutorials listed on this page.

I have started writing detailed manual pages on how to use Media Gallery Manager and how it works. The topics are listed in the User Guide section on this page. I've planned to provide more and more information and guidelines - so stay tuned.

For user-to-user communication this site provides a community forum. Feel free to post everything you wanna talk about, ask questions or post tips that might be useful for other users of the Media Gallery Manager.

Video Tutorials

These video tutorials give a brief introduction on how to use Media Gallery Manager and how to integrate the application into your workflow.

User Guide

User-to-user Forums

Visit the user-to-user forums of Media Gallery Manager and get help from the community.

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If you want to provide some feedback, make suggestions or report problems on using Media Gallery Manager you can contact me via email.

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