Forum: Problem Reports

Cannot halt downloads

posts: 3 2 stars
Sorry, I know this is free, but it's appallingly clumsy to use.
It's taking a long time to get used to how it works, which is nothing like how you'd expect.
Today I found that there is no explanation as to why an upload has failed. And if you inadvertently set away a successful upload again, you can't cancel it!
This has cost me lots of wasted bandwidth.
I do wonder if it's worth continuing to use as it is so clumsy and unintuitive.
I'm sorry I don't want to be mean as I know you don't charge, but I'd rather pay for something that works than get something for free that is so difficult to operate.
Why is there no drag and drop between windows too?

posts: 20 5 stars Austria
Thanks for your feedback. It's much appreciated.

If an upload fails there is a line in the panel under the protocol tab that gives the reason why an upload has failed.

As of cancelling queued uploads there is the option to cancel pending uploads/downloads (right click on the upload/download queue and click 'Cancel pending uploads' in the popup menu). Though this will cancel all pending uploads. The option to cancel upload/download of a single image is missing. This is something that is already on my list of future improvements.

Drag and drop is also on my list of ideas for future improvements.

From reading your posts I suspect that you mainly use the program to manually select single images for upload. This has not been the main focus on when I designed the app. More I have put all my time in working on the synchronize operations and additional features that are not available with other uploader programs. Zenfolio's own uploader is perfect for dragging and dropping selected images for being uploaded.

Once againg thanks for posting the feedback.

The original document is available at