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Exclude/ignore folders

posts: 4 5 stars

I have a problem when I sync a local folder to Zenfolio. As I have my RAW (NEF) files in a sub folder of my local albums. I do not want the original folder to get synced. I also get a folder named Photos in each album in Zenfolio.

I have organized my files like this:
   --> MONTH_Some album/
        --> original/

So a great feature in my case would be if sync could completely ignore folders with a specific name or limit on number of folder levels.


posts: 20 5 stars Austria

Ignoring folder with given name is a very good suggestion. I will definitely consider it.

Creator of the Media Gallery Manager

posts: 20 5 stars Austria
I know this is a more than one year old feature request but finally it is implemented biggrin.
Since version 1.6 Media Gallery Manager has a feature that makes it possible to define a list of files and folders which shall be excluded from the synchronize remote operation (bulk upload).
Some information about this feature is available on this page in the Help Center.

For the folder structure you describe a single exclusion filter defined like this


should accomplish what you want.


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